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Tag: Javascript

An introduction to Redux with React

Many React applications (if not most of them) need to manage some sort of state in order to be fully functional. When state changes, the DOM must also change. Moreover the information displayed might be different and specific to a certain state. Generally we can manage state in React using some hooks like useState and useContext. More specifically the React Context API is very useful for managing non-local component-wide (or app-wide) state, but it has some cons. This is where Redux comes in.

Dissecting JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

Authentication may be a scary and delicate topic, since dealing with it involves diving into the security details of an application. There are various ways for dealing with authentication, such as HTTP BASIC AUTHENTITCATION, OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, etc. However recently I came across JWT (JSON Web Token), so here we will see how these tokens work.